Hello Human

Brand identity - Web design

Hello Human is an agency that combines creativity, technology, and strategy to help brands evolve in the digital era. They provide innovative solutions for design, user experience, and digital transformation, focusing on building meaningful and targeted connections between businesses and customers.

The project

The client need was to have a bold, approachable brand identity centered around warmth and simplicity to highlight their core message: helping brands is their mission. In collaboration with LOVO, a design studio based in Milan, I build the brand identity, featuring a vibrant color palette that transitions from yellow to orange and purple. The overall design approach aimed to strengthen Hello Human's connection with its clients, enhancing both brand recognition and the user experience.

Logo design

Color palette


Vector illustrations

Logo design • Color palette • Typography • Vector illustrations •

Web design

Vector illustrations

Web design • Vector illustrations •

Visual language

Custom vector illustrations were strategically placed across different touch points to reinforce the brand identity. These design elements were crafted to engage and connect with clients, creating a memorable experience while fostering a sense of familiarity and trust. In addition, an extensive icon kit was developed to complement the brand's visual language.

Flyers design

Vector illustrations

Flyers design • Vector illustrations •

Icon kit

Graphic design

Icon kit • Graphic design •




Campo d'Oro